Questions & Answers

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Shirk (Polytheism)


Why is ‘shirk’ (polytheism) the most detested of sins in the Quran?


Allah embodies all things good and noble, and this is what He commands and expects from His creation too. Foremost of these qualities is justice and loyalty, something which is inherent within the human conscience too.

As His principles are universal and impartial, none but those who go against their own conscience will pursue a path other than the one ordained by Him - and this is the path that seeks to give Him Recognition and render Submission to Him Alone. Of all relationships that they impact, the virtues of justice and loyalty are most prominently played out in the relationship between humans and their Creator; for this is where these virtues stem from and this is their primary field of operation.

People who have chosen a path that compromises these fundamental principles (justice and loyalty) are the ones who are committing wrong and drifting away from Allah's Pleasure toward His Displeasure. And this is what has been expressed in the verses of the Quran where people with such tendencies have been admonished. They have been admonished not because Allah wishes to hate and discriminate but they themselves have selected the wrong path and have not cared to seek out the Truth which conforms to their own conscience.

This is no different to the judgement issued by an impartial judge, who may use harsh words when passing the sentence. It would be unreasonable for anyone to blame the judge for using language that may be disagreeable to the criminal, as it is the criminal who has violated the Law and the principles of justice and not the other way round.

Allah does not discriminate, as is clear from the verse below:

O, people! We created you from a male and a female, and We made you races and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. The best among you before Allah is the most righteous. Allah is Knowing and Aware. (Quran 49:13)

In many other verses of the Quran too, Allah has not only called out to Muslims, but to all humankind. If there was any element of hate or discrimination, this would not have been the case, as the invitation is open to all.

Shirk, or associating partners with Allah, is the most heinous crime in the sight of Allah, as it is tampering with His Reality and Uniqueness. It is stripping away power from Him and casting doubts on His Infinite abilities.  The same applies to denial in His Existence too. Other sins, as terrible as they may seem to us, do not carry the same degree of abhorrence due to the above-mentioned points.

So, in sum, It is not other religions or other people that have been subjected to dislike or hate, rather those that have committed the crime of neglecting Allah and taking away from His Essence and fundamental qualities.



Answered By

A. Hafeez Qadri

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